Native Plants
Bruce Reed, the Santa Barbara Botanic Garden’s nursery manager has compiled a list of plants that are recommended for our area. They are both native and drought tolerant and would be a welcome addition to any Mission Canyon property. The criteria for the plants were “low growing, low water, full sun native species that might be good for revegetation.
- Dwarf black sages would be great – Salvia ‘Terra Seca’, ‘Green Carpet’, ‘Mrs Beard’
- Purple sages – particularly Salvia ‘Pt Sal’
- Monkeyflower(Mimulus)
- Chaparral morning-glory (Calystegia)
- Lessingia ‘Smart Aster’
- Chaparral mallow (Malacothamnus)
- CA buckwheat (Eriogonum fasciculatum)
- Gumplant (Grindelia stricta)
- Epilobium – any cv, all sun-loving annuals
- Bush poppy (Dendromecon rigida)
- Lupines – all
- Coast sunflower (Encelia)
- Dwarf coyote brush (Baccharis pilularis)
And some shrubs for accent plants:
- Toyon (Heteromeles)
- Chaparral laurel (Malosma),
- Saltbush (Atriplex).
Also, here are the “Easy 8” as referenced by Steve Windhager of the SB Botanic Gardens during the Annual Meeting:
Easy Eight

Another Easy Eight