The Mission Canyon Association welcomes opinions and comments regarding our Association and its activities. Your input is valuable in shaping our policies, determining the value of various projects on our to-do list, and measuring the concerns of Canyon residents.

To send e-mail to our Association, simply click here and let your e-mail client do the rest.

MCA Officers & Directors

Nancy Weiss President (2021 – 2024)
email, phone: (805) 895-9211

Jason Saltoun-Ebin Vice President (2021 – 2024)
email, phone: (805) 364-3070

Selden Edner  Treasurer (2023 – 2026)
email, phone: (805) 687-2074

Darby Feldwinn – Secretary (2023 – 2026)
email, phone: (805) 770-2630

Alex Feldwinn (2023 – 2026)
email, phone: (805) 770-2630

Kevin Snow (2023 – 2026)
email, phone: (805) 569-2343

Hugh Twibell (2022 – 2025)
email, phone: (805) 687-4512

Hutch Axilrod (2022 – 2025)
email, phone: (805) 637-6378

Gustavo Agredano (2022 – 2025)
email, phone: (805) 252-6253

Jason Jewell (2023 – 2026)
email, phone: (805) 689-3490

(*) Year each member was voted onto the board for a 3 year term

MCA Committees

Architectural Design Review Committee: Though builders are not required to visit MCA’s ADRC before going to the county for building permits, we would recommend it. The architects and contractors who make up this committee have decades of experience in building in Santa Barbara and can be of great help to you.

  • Hugh Twibell (chair)
  • Joyce McCullough
  • Dwight Gregory
  • Victor Schumacher
  • Kevin Snow
  • Jason Saltoun Ebint

Finance Committee: Reviews Quarterly Treasurer’s reports and financial records.

  • Jason Saltoun Ebin (Chair)
  • Selden Edner

Fire Committee: This committee continues MCA’s commitment to fire safety, participating in the Fire Safe Council, and proactively working to reduce the danger in our canyon.

  • Selden Edner (Chair)
  • Jean Yamamura

Land Use Committee: Works to understand and mediate land use issues/disputes within the Canyon. Follows issues associated with institutional CUPs within the Canyon.

  • Kevin Snow (Chair)
  • Jean Yamamura
  • Hugh Twibell

Membership Committee: In charge of the membership list.

  • Jason Saltoun Ebin (Chair)

Newsletter Committee: In charge of creating and publishing MCA’s quarterly newsletter.

  • Jean Yamamura (chair)
  • Hutch Axilrod
  • Lee Ann Dollison

Parking & Traffic Committee: Parking is an ongoing concern, especially in Mission Canyon Heights, and one not easily solved. Members of the Board work with the First District County Supervisor to find solutions.

  • Jason Saltoun Ebin (chair)
  • Darby Feldwinn
  • Jean Yamamura

Mission Heritage Trail Committee: Represents Mission Canyon Association with the group of stakeholders working for safe walking and bike ways from Laguna St. to Foothill Rd.

  • Hugh Twibell (chair)
  • Karl Hutterer
  • Kevin Snow

Webmaster: Maintains MCAs web page; receives resident emails.

  • Alex Feldwinn (chair)
  • Jean Yamamura