On Tuesday, December 3rd, Mission Canyon Association hosted Rob Obedoza from Community Relations and Outreach Branch of California Department of Insurance for a Fire Insurance Update and Q & A. The recording of the meeting is available below. https://youtu.be/UeBbrWwvvtI
Tunnel trail is now reopened to the public. Starting on November 18th, SC Edison will continue to do re-seeding and planting restoration work through December and help hikers and bikers navigate around them.
As part of their restoration project work SCE will be flying helicopters in the canyon for several days beginning this coming Tuesday, October 8th. SCE hand crews have been working for several weeks in the canyon bottom gathering and bagging rock and dirt that the SCE grading crew dumped over…
The Santa Barbara County Fire Safe Council will be doing some tag and trim tree work (trimming trees to provide better ingress/egress routes for first responders) starting October 14th in the Canyon and it will affect residents as it is along the roadways. Areas of focus have been identified and…
Please join Community Environmental Council, UCSB's California NanoSystems Institute and Santa Barbara County's Wildfire Resilience Collaborative for the Living with Fire Summit on Wednesday, October 23rd, at 1PM. RSVP required - please RSVP by visiting- cec.pub/firesummit With support from UC Climate Investments, CNSI in partnership with Community Environmental Council and Santa Barbara County Wildfire Resilience…
...RED FLAG WARNING IN EFFECT FROM THIS AFTERNOON THROUGH SATURDAY EVENING FOR ALL MOUNTAINS AND THE SANTA BARBARA SOUTH COAST FOR EXTREME HEAT AND DRY CONDITIONS WITH LOCALLY GUSTY WINDS... ...WIDESPREAD ELEVATED TO BRIEF CRITICAL FIRE WEATHER CONDITIONS THROUGH THE WEEKEND INLAND OF THE BEACHES FOR VERY HOT AND DRY CONDITIONS, LOCALLY GUSTY WINDS, AND POTENTIAL FOR LARGE VERTICAL PLUMEGROWTH... .DISCUSSION...A long duration heat wave continues to ramp up towards the Friday peak,with minimal improvement after through Saturday or Sunday. Peak high temperatures between 107 and 117 will become common over the valleys, lower mountains and deserts. Inland coastal plains will see peak highs between 93 and 103, including the Santa Barbara foothills. Overnight lows will bring little relief to the foothills and deserts, with lows in the 80s common and some locations not going below 90. Humidities will lower as well, with minimum humidities generally in the 8 to 15 percent range over the valleys and mountains and poor to minimal overnight recoveries. Sundowner winds will increase over southern Santa Barbara County, peaking tonight and Friday night with gusts between 25 and 40 mph common over most of the Santa Ynez Range.
The trail will likely be closed for 6 months. More details and contact information can be found here: https://www.sce.com/about-us/reliability/upgrading-transmission/mission-canyon And Article by NoozHawk is also available here: https://www.noozhawk.com/santa-barbaras-tunnel-trail-closing-for-months-for-more-sce-restoration-work/#:~:text=Southern%20California%20Edison%20(SCE)%20is,SCE%20spokesperson%20Gabriela%20Ornelas%20said.
Community Wildfire Protection Plan The Santa Barbara County Fire Department is preparing a CWPP and Transportation Study for the foothills and needs our input about evacuation and community preparedness Register for a workshop HERE on: Tues, May 14th, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. at SB Botanic Garden OR Wed, May 22, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m.…
Dear Mission Canyon Trails Community, SCE has been assessing the post-storm site conditions and repair needs on our access roads throughout our service territory following the El Niño driven storms over the past months. SCE is coordinating with the city, county, and environmental agencies in the Santa Barbara area on authorizations needed to move forward with post-storm repairs…
On Friday, Apr 05, 2024, Santa Barbara County Public Works Department held a ribbon-cutting ceremony to celebrate the successful completion of the Tunnel Road Sewer Main Extension Project. First District Supervisor Das Williams said, “In this age, we understand the drawbacks of old septic systems. They can impact water quality,…
Care of the Fire Safe Council of Santa Barbara Count YOU CUT AND STACK, WE'LL TAKE CARE OF THE REST! Cut VegetationSTART CUTTING YOUR VEGETATION in advance of your scheduled neighborhood clean-up date. Focus your efforts within 100’ of structures and roadways, in the area known as your “Defensible Space…