SCE will close Tunnel Trail to do Road, Cliff, & Tree Repair Work beginning Monday, Sept 21
In December of last year, Southern California Edison conducted major road grading work beginning at the gate to Tunnel Trail and continuing up through both forks of the catway past the end of the paved road segment. This road widening project moved over 6,000 cubic yards of dirt and rock. Mismanagement and failure to supervise by SCE resulted in severe environmental impacts to the road/trail, slopes, and Mission Creek among others. The most serious damage is the highly visible dumping of approximately 1,500 cubic yards of rock and dirt directly over the creek bank in the 450 feet of the road approaching the Tunnel Trail Bridge.
To their credit, SCE took immediate responsibility for their wrongdoing, did initial road and creek bank stabilization work last winter/spring, and reached out to the Mission Canyon Association to open up a dialogue and active working relationship.
MCA’s Advocacy Role
Since last winter, MCA has been working with the help of Supervisor Das Williams and multiple oversight agencies on behalf of the Mission Canyon community and trail users to make sure there is robust environmental review, habitat restoration and public safety during all work. This current project is primarily focused on trail user safety and is just one of a series of important steps to fully restore and mitigate the damage to our beloved trail and creek. Please visit our website to learn more –
What to expect during this Project:
- Project period (estimated): Sept 21 – Mid December
- Work week: Monday – Saturday (no work on Sundays) from 8 – 5 p.m.
- Trail Closure Period: Full Closure Sept 21 – Oct 30th then transitioning to a Mon – Fri closure until work is complete
- Parking & Signage: SCE will have traffic control personnel on Tunnel Road to limit parking and help safely turn trail users’ cars around. Trail closure signs have been posted on Tunnel Road and at all of the trailhead intersections that access Tunnel Trail
- Fire prevention: Capstone Fire & Safety Management will be on-site with two compact fire engines and 4 fire crew members at all times construction is taking place. It will conduct safety briefings, and remain on-site for one hour after all crews have left to ensure the site is safe.

For more information
Visit SCE’s website or call SCE’s Hotline at (805) 244-0095 or